Finding the Top 10 Long Running Queries
When having a performance issue, the first thing the DBA needs is to define what the problem is. The first thing I ask when someone says, “it’s running slow…” is to respond, “can you please give me a list of the top 10 worst queries.” Usually, the response is, “I don’t know exactly what they are…”
This note will explain how to isolate the queries by letting the computer tell you where the problems are.
The process is simple, it encompasses the following methodology:
- Turn on SQL Server Profiler
- Run it for a few hours filtering on long duration or high reads
- Save the profiler trace into a temporary table
- Run a few queries against the data
- Prioritize them as a working list to attack
The key concept: Long running queries hammer the disk and cause poor cache hit ratios. If too many users run them, the disk subsystem can suffer because a few users are monopolizing all the resources.
Collecting the Data
Typically, I’ll start up profiler and run it for 2 or 3 hours to capture a representative sample of data. Then I’ll use this information to make my decisions. This data collected will serve as a baseline for whether I got better or worse as I tune.
- Start up SQL Server Profiler. Collect on these two events:
- RPC:Completed
- SQL:BatchComplete
- These two will show queries that have completed.
- Filter on columns:
- Duration and/or,
- The criteria should start off with 30,000
- The unit of measure is milliseconds, hence, 30,000 = 30 seconds.
- Reads
- The criteria should start with 10,000
- The unit of measure is 8K. 10,000 reads = 81,920,000 bytes of IO. If you are doing 81M of IO, you probably have a query that needs investigating!
Let the trace run for a while. Then stop is and “Save As” a profiler trace file. Once it’s in a file, the DBA can start analyzing the data.
Rolling Up Queries
Usually, the easiest way to analyze the information is from within SQL Server. Import the trace file and then run queries against it to find the problems.
The trace file itself has the issues in it. We’ve already filtered for long running queries. Now, we just need to organize the data a bit.
First import the trace file using the following SQL Server function call:
use tempdb
SELECT IDENTITY(int, 1, 1) AS RowNumber, * INTO profiler_analysis
FROM ::fn_trace_gettable('c:\tmp\profilerdata.trc', default)
Next, get an idea of what you are looking at. For example, how much IO occurred for the monitoring run? What was the overall duration for all the long running queries?
select sum(Reads)*8192. 'Bytes Read' from profiler where Reads is not NULL;
Bytes Read
(1 row(s) affected)
select sum(Duration)/1000. 'Number of Seconds' from profiler_analysis where Duration is not NULL;
Number of Seconds
(1 row(s) affected)
select sum(Duration)/1000./3600.'Number of Hours' from profiler_analysis where Duration is not NULL;
Number of Hours
(1 row(s) affected)
The following query shows the total amount of Reads by user:
select convert(char(20),LoginName)'User Name', sum(Reads)*8192. 'Total Bytes Read'
from profiler_analysis
where Reads is not NULL
group by LoginName
order by sum(Reads) desc
User Name Total Bytes Read
-------------------- ---------------------------------------
jde 178276974592
sa 53321981952
usera 20445822976
userb 10917101568
userc 5227069440
userd 2638151680
usere 2081947648
userf 2063392768
userg 1147445248
userh 670384128
useri 406921216
userj 316260352
userk 169639936
userl 55287808
userm 43941888
usern 19152896
usero 9584640
userp 4866048
userq 2252800
(19 row(s) affected)
The following query shows the total amount of seconds by user:
select convert(char(20),LoginName)'User Name', sum(Duration)/1000. 'Seconds Run'
from profiler_analysis
where Duration is not NULL
group by LoginName
order by sum(Duration) desc
User Name Seconds Run
-------------------- ---------------------------------------
jde 5456.860000
JDEService 1999.540000
sa 313.579000
usera 240.462000
userb 176.452000
userc 135.483000
userd 115.636000
usere 100.881000
userf 90.918000
userg 76.247000
userh 52.656000
useri 40.941000
userj 37.466000
userk 28.084000
userl 19.438000
userm 11.656000
usern 11.329000
usero 4.673000
userp 2.640000
(19 row(s) affected)
Finally, these two queries show the DBA the top 10 queries for Reads and Duration:
select top 10 RowNumber, Duration, Reads, LoginName
from profiler_analysis
order by Reads desc
RowNumber Duration Reads LoginName
----------- -------------------- -------------------- -----------
485 257230 3886609 sa
239 87690 1370174 usera
853 101810 1264835 userb
629 142370 1264577 jde
7 118890 1264197 JDE
747 8596 801035 sa
289 13970 740066 sa
264 7063 661617 sa
665 8576 356531 jde
193 3483 313031 userb
(10 row(s) affected)
select top 10 RowNumber, Duration, Reads, LoginName
from profiler_analysis
order by Duration desc
RowNumber Duration Reads LoginName
----------- -------------------- -------------------- -----------
503 335213 23 JDEService
502 333026 631 JDEService
485 257230 3886609 sa
528 224200 108896 jde
831 203590 2 JDEService
347 184183 103651 jde
532 181400 14 JDEService
627 175056 77320 jde
411 153933 307751 JDE
823 152746 23 JDEService
(10 row(s) affected)
To find the actual query for RowNumber 485 run a select statement and get the TextData column which will have the statement. The following analysis shows that the high IO and duration were due to an index being built:
select RowNumber, Duration, Reads,TextData
from profiler_analysis
where RowNumber = 485
RowNumber Duration Reads TextData
----------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------------
485 257230 3886609
The query for RowNumber 155 shows that it did 162,386 Reads for 1,330,266,112 bytes probably because the user put a wild card on the front and back of the criteria: F4220 WHERE (F4220.SWLOTN LIKE @P1) '%208547%' And forced a table scan.
select RowNumber, Duration, Reads,TextData
from profiler_analysis
where RowNumber =155
RowNumber Duration Reads
----------- -------------------- --------------------
155 10186 162386
(1 row(s) affected)
declare @P1 int set @P1=180151263 declare @P2 int set @P2=1 declare @P3 int set @P3=1 declare @P4 int set @P4=5 exec sp_cursoropen @P1 output, N'SELECT F4220.SWSHPJ, F4220.SWLITM, F4220.SWDCTO, F4220.SWSRL2, F4220.SWDSC2, F4220.SWSRL1, F4220.SWLOTN, F4220.SWLOCN, F4220.SWAITM, F4220.SWSFXO, F4220.SWDOCO, F4220.SWAN8, F4220.SWITM, F4220.SWMCU, F4220.SWDSC1, F4220.SWLNID, F4220.SWORDJ, F4220.SWKCOO, F4220.SWVEND, F4220.SWSHAN FROM PRODDTA.F4220 F4220 WHERE (F4220.SWLOTN LIKE @P1) ORDER BY F4220.SWLITM ASC, F4220.SWLOTN ASC, F4220.SWSRL1 ASC ', @P2 output, @P3 output, @P4 output, N'@P1 varchar(8000) ', '%208547%' select @P1, @P2, @P3, @P4
The above queries collect data and roll it up into a digestable format instead of a pile of random bits. Once the DBA has the performance data they can prioritize the issues and figure out a plan of attack. For example, change the configuration of the application so users cannot put in leading wildcards that force a table scan.
Knowing your system and where it’s issues are forms the backbone of being able to isolate and resolve performance problems. The good news is it’s to do with a small tool box.
The key concept is to let SQL Server collect the information, and using a few simple queries shown above, show you where the exact problems exist.
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